Brunch for Church Planting and Clergy Spouses

The Maple RIdge Brunch Sign Side.jpg

You are invited to a “Celebration Brunch for Church Planting and Clergy Spouses”

Friday, August 29             10:00 – 12:00                      All Saints Rectory

The Rectory is directly across the street from All Saints Church in Pawleys.

This is an opportunity for all the ladies attending the Re:missioning Conference who partner in the ministry of planting and serving churches to gather in an informal setting for coffee, good food, conversation, mutual encouragement and a relaxed way to connect with other ladies who share a similar calling and passion.  Come celebrate what the Lord is doing!

I hope to see you there!  Braden Grafe

Please RSVP to Kathleen Jordan at All Saint (843)237-4223


Praying for Christians in Iraq

“As Christians in the West, it is appalling how most of our government leaders and the secular press have been silent. It is a genocide and humanitarian crisis of the likes we have not seen since World War II.”

Archbishop Foley Beach has issued an appeal for prayer and action on behalf of Christians under immediate threat in places like Iraq and Syria.  Please read his appeal in its entirety below.

Greetings in the Name our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! May God grant you the abundance of His Grace as you follow Him day by day!

If you have been paying attention to what is happening in the Middle East in recent months, you will note that those who are Christians are being brutally murdered, women and girls raped and forced into marriage, experiencing all kinds of torture, and hundreds of thousands have been forced out of their homes and countries. We are seeing communities who date to the 1st Century with their Christian presence being totally annihilated and killed. Historic churches, holy sites, and tombs are being completely destroyed - all in the name of Allah.

In Syria many of our brothers and sisters are engulfed by an ongoing humanitarian crisis. Areas of Aleppo that are home to around 400,000 Christians have been besieged and surrounded by the rebels for months. Many Christians have become malnourished owing to shortages and skyrocketing prices of food and other essentials. Access to water, electricity and communications is very limited. Hundreds of thousands of other Syrians have fled to Jordan where they are living in poverty and confined in tent cities and cardboard homes.

In Iraq hundreds of thousands of believers have fled their homes, reducing the Christian population to a quarter of the size it was in 1990. Many took refuge in Syria or Lebanon, while others are internally displaced in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, which once provided relative peace and stability. But Iraqi Christian refugees are no longer safe in Syria, as anti-Christian violence threatens all Christians in the country, while Iraqi Kurdistan is now also seeing escalating tensions; Christians also struggle to find work to support themselves there. Recent events in Mosul have seen the city’s Christian population totally exterminated by murder or the evacuation of Christians. Pictures of heads of Christians hanging from telephone wires, crucifixions, and other acts of brutality are heart-wrenching.

This brutality is being led by a group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). Their goal is to reinstate the Islamic caliphate and rule the whole of the Middle East and eventually the world by Sharia Law. Their tactics are pure evil, and they will stop at nothing to accomplish their purposes.

I am writing asking you to do several things. As Christians in the West, it is appalling how most of our government leaders and the secular press have been silent. It is a genocide and humanitarian crisis of the likes we have not seen since WWII. We must not be silent!

1) Would you join me in prayer for our sisters and brothers? Would you in your personal prayers and in the Prayers of the People pray for those being persecuted, those doing the persecuting, and for a solution? Would you pour out your heart in prayer and fasting before God on their behalf? See prayers below.

2) Would you call or write your government representatives and ask them to do something to help the situation? They will not attempt to help if they don’t think you care. Right now, they don’t think you care.

3) The following ministries are engaged in helping refugees. Please offer them your prayers and support.

• Barnabas Fund—“The mission of the Barnabas Fund is to support Christians where they are in a minority and suffer discrimination, oppression and persecution as a consequence of their faith.”

• Voice of Ishmael (via Commission to Every Nation)—Bringing hope that changes communities in the Middle East and North Africa.

• Christ Church Jerusalem - Ministering to Refuges of the Crisis. Please write “Iraqi refugees” in the memo line.

Please join me in interceding on behalf of our Christian sisters and brothers.

Your brother at the Foot of the Cross,

The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach
Archbishop and Primate
Anglican Church in North America

Sample Prayers

Heavenly Father, we bring before you today the people of Syria and Iraq, asking you to be their defender and help in their time of need. Walk with them in their suffering and loss, and give them strength to face the days ahead. We pray for release of the captives and freedom for those held hostage. We pray for your intervention against the violence and evil against your people. We pray for your provision for the hungry, the homeless, and the bereaved. We pray for you to help your people who are called by your Name, Jesus’ Name, and it is in His Name we ask these things. Amen.

From the Book of Common Prayer:

O God, the Father of all, whose Son commanded us to
love our enemies: Lead them and us from prejudice to
truth: deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge;
and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Edited from the Book of Common Prayer:

O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of
the earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to
those who are far off and to those who are near:
Grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you,
especially in Syria and Iraq; bring the nations into your fold;
pour out your Spirit upon all flesh;
and hasten the coming of your kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Becoming a Missional Church

Being missional means that we are both evangelistic and social minded. It means that we care about people’s souls and their bodies. It means that because we care about the Gospel we should care about social and environmental issues. Being missional brings all of life together under the banner of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Every church can be missional. The key is thinking outside of the box. We need to think of new ways to reach our communities for Christ. There are a number of ways that you can do effective community ministry that is missional. Depending upon the need in your community, your church can start an art ministry to reach local artists, start a food pantry, serve meals to the elderly, offer literacy training, or start an after school program for at-risk youth. Community ministry shows people in the community that you care. 

Recognize the Needs of Your Community 

It begins by recognizing the needs in your community. We will never know what the needs of our community are until we begin to get outside of the four walls of the church. It is amazing how little church people actually interact with non-churchgoers. Matthew 9:35, tells us that when Jesus went out into all the cities and villages he saw that the multitudes were weary and had compassion on them. As Jesus went into the community, He saw the needs of the people. 

When you get into the community, you will begin to see what the needs of the people are. We began to canvas our city and assess the needs of the people. When we began to look around our city we saw many people with tremendous needs. Make a personal inventory of the needs, and then you will be able to start a ministry that meets the needs of your community. 

Communicate the Needs to Others 

If you are going to be a missional church, you must also effectively communicate the needs of your community to your church. Let people know the facts about the needs in your community. Tell others how they can help. I have learned that people want to help if they are properly informed. Communication is the key. You will be amazed how willing people are to join the cause of reaching your city. Compelled by a vision to rebuild the city, Nehemiah saw the need to rebuild the city 

Don’t Do It Alone

Do not try to do it all alone. Do not forget to communicate with other organizations outside of your church that are already doing ministry in your area. One of the smartest things that we did was to network with other agencies in our area. The church can and should work with secular agencies for community impact. For too long we have had a false dichotomy between the secular and the sacred. You can work with secular organizations without compromising your beliefs. We regularly collaborate with the local arts council and other community groups to host art shows and music events. 

The needs are great, but if we begin to work with others, we can make a difference in our cities and communities. People will rally behind the cause when we effectively communicate the need and the opportunity to get involved. Community ministry shows people how the church is essential to the community. People from other churches and in your community may want the opportunity to get involved. You will see that there are many who are looking for an opportunity to get involved in a worthwhile project that will help others in the community. 

Once you begin to communicate the needs in your community then you must select an appropriate course of action. Do not just start a ministry for the sake of starting one, but also select a plan of action that fits the needs of your community. For instance, if you live in an affluent town then starting a food pantry might not be the best option. Food will end up perishing on your shelves. Perhaps you live in a city with a large Hispanic population, you can start an English study program to help them learn the English language. The key is to see the need and then meet it.