KARDIA Church Planting Initiative is a partnership of two ACNA dioceses to plant and resource Gospel-centered churches in North and South Carolina.
Apostles Charlotte
Find out more about our Anglican church plant in the heart of Charlotte, NC.
Locations of our current & upcoming plants…
Charlotte, NC
Anderson, SC
Black Mountain, NC
St. Simons, GA
Durham, NC
Greenville, SC
Carolina Forest, SC
Concord / Univ. City, NC
Discern the Call
If you're passionate about evangelism and the local Church, we invite you to discern the call to church planting with us. We provide thorough and prayerful assessment, training, funding and ongoing coaching through Kardia.
Learn to Lead
Through coaching and consulting, we seek to help church planters pastor their churches through great administrative systems and wise decision-making, which are rarely a focus in seminary.
Lean on Others
Church planting is uniquely challenging. It requires resilience, encouragement and flexibility. We build a community around our planters so they’re never going it alone. Times of prayer and retreat together are part of the culture of mutual support.